
Nest & Hive Thermostat install

Nest & Hive Thermostat install

Smart thermostats are the latest must have gadget in a modern home and with Black Friday and Cyber Monday here you might have bought one, maybe after reading our guide here

Google Nest or Hive are now an install upgrade for most of our customers, after all what's not to like about ability control your heating from the comfort of your bed or on router to your home from work.

All you need to control your boiler and the overall temperature is a decent wifi connection, a smart phone and a wireless thermostat device and hub.

To be able to control the temperature in individual rooms your radiators will need to have thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs), which can be fitted to any radiator by a skilled heating engineer.

Both Nest and the Hive system can be used to control a whole host of exciting internet connected devices - lights, smart plugs, motion sensors, and window and door sensors. Even be controlled via Alexa or Google Home smart speakers.

You can monitor your energy usage and programme your thermostat accordingly which helps you be more efficient and environmental.

Both Hive and Nest can detect when you are at home using GPS technology and allow you to control the temperature by single room via your smart phone or a web browser and can adapt to different temperatures and weather conditions.

But importantly, they significantly reduce your energy wastage.

This is mainly down to the high level of information you get because they alert you about your energy consumption.

Before ordering a wireless thermostat you will need to check whether your boiler or heating system is compatible. For advice or help installing your new wireless thermostat, get in touch with us and we can talk you through the process:

Big Energy Saving Week: Households given fuel bill saving advice

Big Energy Saving Week: Households given fuel bill saving advice

Households across the United Kingdom are being encouraged to take steps to reduce their energy usage and save money on their fuel bills as part of a nationwide campaign.

Big Energy Saving Week (21st - 27th January), organised each year by Citizens Advice, aims to raise awareness of the simple steps we can all take to lower our energy bills through being more energy efficient.

OFTEC, which represents the oil heating industry, and the Federation of Petroleum Suppliers (FPS), the trade association for oil distributers, are official partners of Big Energy Saving Week and are encouraging oil households in the UK to think about their current energy consumption as well as offering money saving advice. 

Despite recent small increases in price, oil heated households in the UK continue to enjoy the cheapest fuel bills of all the main off-grid heating systems and are paying on average nearly £500 less than homes using LPG and over £800 less than those with electric storage heaters.

However, in the cold winter months, there are still ways households can reduce their spending costs even further, without having to turn down the heating.

Myths about your central heating

Myths about your central heating

Did you know you could save yourself £250 a year just by switching off your lights and heating when they’re not in use? Oftec have released a list of mysthbusting facts to help you save money this winter.