Experts are warning homeowners to be more vigilant for carbon monoxide poisoning after a survey shows that 2/3 of homes do not have a carbon monoxide alarm fitted, suggesting people are not taking the threat seriously enough.
A Honeywell Carbon Monoxide Alarm. These should be fitted in every room with a fuel burning appliance e.g. boiler, woodburner, open fire etc.
Carbon monoxide poisoning kills more than 50 people and hospitalises more 40,000 each year, so as part of Carbon Monoxide Awareness Month, Oftec are promoting the installation of Co alarms in people’s homes.
CO is produced when carbon fuels don't burn properly and any type of heating system where combustion takes place can potentially give off the odourless, colourless gas. CO poisoning can result in severe long-term health problems, or even death, with younger and older people most at risk. Key symptoms to watch out for are tiredness, dizziness and headaches.
In support of the campaign, Abbey Boilers is promoting the simple ABC safety checklist which advises households of the key steps they should take to reduce the risk:
Alarm – purchase a CO alarm (usually around £20) for every room which has a fuel burning appliance e.g. boiler, woodburner, open fire etc. It is mandatory for private landlords to provide an alarm in rented properties with a solid fuel appliance
Batteries – regularly ensure all the alarms are functional by holding the 'test' button
Check – have your boiler serviced at least one a year by an OFTEC (for oil or solid fuel) or GasSafe (for mains gas) registered technician to check it is working correctly. Abbey Boilers has both Gas Safe and OFTEC registered engineers.
If the event of a CO alarm going off, the advice is to open the windows and leave the room immediately. You should then contact OFTEC or GasSafe and, if you experience any symptoms of CO poisoning, call 999.
Malcolm Farrow, from OFTEC said: "Carbon monoxide poisoning can have a devastating impact on the lives of the people it affects so the lack of awareness is particularly worrying with many households still oblivious to the dangers. We wouldn't think twice about having smoke alarms installed and we should take the same approach with CO alarms.”
Get in touch with us at Abbey Boilers on 01403 275512 to ensure you and your family are safe and your heating system is running correctly.